Sincerely, Your Small Business

Daniel Perry of JAM according to Daniel

Jess Norby Season 2 Episode 19

What does "resiliency" mean to you? Listen in as Daniel shares about what that word means to him, and what it can look like to forge your unique path of small business ownership.

Daniel Perry was introduced to jam-making 20 years ago and never looked back. 15 years ago, a year out of college, he started a jam business. He bought a tent at K-Mart, borrowed a table, and set up a booth at the Farmers Market behind his Grandmother's Oldsmobile. He sold a handful of jars and his life was forever changed.

Now, 100,000 jars later, he's married with two energetic toddlers, surrounded by friends & hungry customers every weekend at the City Market.

When he's not busy making jam or being a husband and pop, he loves to make connections in the food community, between bakers and caterers, cheese makers and gelato makers, winemakers and mead makers. He counts himself fortunate to be among a growing number of chefs who've used entrepreneurship to escape from restaurant kitchens in search of stability, independence, and mental health.

When fruit is in season, from May to September, he's a whirlwind of fruit, processing 500 pounds and making 250 jars in a series of wild 80-100 hour weeks. Every Saturday morning from April to Christmas you'll find him giving out free samples and selling jam at the City Market in downtown Charlottesville.

Follow Daniel on Instagram and purchase jams here!

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