Sincerely, Your Small Business
Sincerely, Your Small Business
Carolyn Leasure of SmallBiz Sidekick
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Carolyn Leasure is who you turn to when you want to fill your business with ideal clients – and still have a life offline.
With SmallBiz Sidekick, she provides web design, messaging, & integrations for solopreneurs, service providers, & coaches who think “tech” is a scary word.
Carolyn lays the groundwork for the smoothest online experience ever for you and your clients, helping your biz grow with ease. She believes that your brand, design + tech should work for you—not drain the time you’d rather spend doing what you love.
Carolyn calls the mountain town of Charlottesville, VA home. When not constructing seamless automations or copy-driven web design for clients, she can be found playing Himalayan Sound Bowls for a meditation shortcut, or splashing and whooping down the Rivanna River in an inner tube with her husband and two sons.
Launch-Your-Site Game Plan - Should you DIY, hire a pro - or something in between? Take our 8-question quiz to learn how to leverage your interests, budget, stage of business, and existing skillset in launching (or re-launching) your perfect-fit website. www.smallbizsidekick.com/quiz
Learn more about SmallBiz Sidekick: www.smallbizsidekick.com and follow on Instagram @smallbizsidekick
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